Employee Advocacy

 Employee advocacy is something that seems so simple. If you have a company that your employees truly believe in, why not use their social media accounts? It surprised me to hear that a company of only 50 people could reach around 17,000 people just by using their own social media accounts. This is also a free option to get your company’s name out there, and I think it could be a very successful way to promote. I also read that organic reach is decreasing, which this seems to provide a perfect solution for. I haven’t heard of this before, and I don’t know if this is something that comes across my social media frequently. I think this is something that small businesses could use, especially when a lot of your target audience is already the small town you are in. Employees promoting their own company would reach the exact people you need it to. The benefits don’t stop at just the company, but also carry over into the employees. Involving yourself in social media can help grow your personal brand, and impact your career greatly. If you gain a following, this can lead to you being some sort of influencer and having your own platform you can now use for yourself. This could help the future of your career, making you easier to find on on social media. If employers see the kind of platform you are running, and it was successful for that business, you could carry that over for another business. This could also ignite a fire for you in the original company, and you could move up in the company. If you receive a large following, then you can help the company more and gain more responsibilities. 48% of the benefits of employee advocacy has a shared benefit. This means it would be helping the company and the employee at almost the exact same rate. The only downside I see to employee advocacy is the repetitive posts coming from that one family member. They work for some small shop in your city, and they constantly post about it.  From a consumer standpoint I could see this being either very helpful or very annoying. Constant posts from a friend or family member on something that you may not have interest in could be too much very quick, and I could see myself muting them. This could turn people away from your company, unless you were already interested. Then it would be the perfect target audience, and draw you in even more. 


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